What skin concerns does the treatment address?
Facial Rejuvenation is effective in targeting a number of general skin concerns such as wrinkles and fine lines. It is also particularly effective in treating more serious conditions through a tailored treatment plan developed by your doctor at Neharkar Studio.
Active Acne: NSL can be used to significantly decrease the aggressive appearance of acne. The procedure is used to shrink large pores and the over-production of sebum oil which causes acne. It is also effective in alleviating red and inflamed areas.
Large Pores: Often the cause of excessive oily secretions and clogged skin, Spectra is very effective in brightening, smoothing, and toning the skin by decreasing the size and appearance of oversized pores.
Melasma and Pigmentation: NSL can significantly decrease darker areas of skin tone and color through a series of targeted treatments.
What kinds of risks are involved?
The treatment is considered very safe, though a pre-consultation is important to assess your specific condition.
In addition to the treatment being extremely safe, our therapists take the necessary steps to ensure that you receive the best service and optimal results.
The only risk involved in the risk of random people asking you how your skin looks that amazing.
How long will my results last?
While the results of the NSS facial are long-lasting – as the skin is encouraged by the treatment to revive itself over time, they are not permanent. A series of 4-6treatments are recommended for the best results.
Consult with our therapists to know how many sessions may be required for the best results, and we’ll compile a personalized treatment plan just for you.
How do I know if this treatment is right for me?
The treatment is highly effective, with proven (and exceptional) results for both men and women.
You can learn more about the treatment and how it can help your case-specific concerns during a consultation with one of our skincare specialists.
The treatment is not painful, but you will experience a sensation of heat and prickling over the skin, especially when the laser is passed over more dense areas of facial hair. If you begin to feel any discomfort, the aesthetician can adjust the laser level to ensure no pain.